"To Know Christ, To Love Christ,
To Make the Love of Christ Known"
Adult Sunday School

10:00AM in the New Ministry Center
Seekers use the Cokesbury Bible series. We teach the historical meaning as well as how it applies to our family life today. Join us!

10:00AM in the Stephen Center
Teachers Rotate
Discussion based class filled with friendly people from all walks of life. We move through a variety of studies and all are welcome!

10:00AM in the Classroom Across from the Youth Room
Taught by Chris Fields
The Explorer's class studies a variety of lessons as we dig into the Word and apply it to family, friendships, parenting and relationships. We look forward to seeing you!
Please email the office at information@pwumc.org for questions about classes or contact information.
Youth Sunday School
Sunday Morning Bible Study at 10AM
We will have Sunday Morning Bible Study every Sunday from 10am - 11am in the the Large Youth Room (FLC). We are currently going through the New Testament one book at a time. All students in Middle & High School are encouraged to join us for this time of fellowship and spiritual growth.
Childrens Sunday School
Sunday School at 10AM on Sundays
There is a nursery available for babies - 4-year-olds and 5's and up will have Sunday school. We will meet in the VPK room of the FLC for check-in, then meet outside for our lesson. Electronic check-in is strongly encouraged. You can do so on Sunday morning at this link (the passcode is pwumc2020) OR by scanning the QR code outside the classroom.